Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturdays in the garden....and the recycling bin

strawberries 4/17

chives seeded 4/17
successful rosemary hemispherectomy?

tomatoes 4/17

more tomatoes (patio tomato variety) 4/17

Bell Peppers  4/17
So as you can see we have some new growth and some new additions!
Grandpa's strawberry pot
I planted the chive seeds yesterday in a spare pot I had because I'm just ready for a grow little chives grow! We also got this uber cool strawberry pot from my hub's sister. It used to belong to their grandfather and hub swears it's nearly as old as he is. I love the age it's Enlichened ~grin~
I'm not sure yet what I'll plant in it as I'm still in trial phase with our first strawberry pot of the season...any ideas or suggestions?

I'm also very proud of our blossoming recycle bin!
I finally got serious about recycling our boxes and came up with a system that seems to be working.
I keep a bag in the mud room just over the garbage can that collects the week's used boxes then once a week the whole lot get's transferred to the recycle bin outside. It keeps the single boxes from being taken by the wind and the ever filling bag is a reminder to keep them out of the trash!
I was so proud, I had to share a picture
woot bin less worth of stuff in the landfill!
woo hoo smaller footprint

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