Monday, March 15, 2010

In the Raw

I'll get there someday
eating Raw I mean
My body has been moving me more in that direction
And I'm not really going kicking or screaming

I follow a couple of Raw blogs already
and If you scroll through the blogs I follow, you've probably also deduced that I'm Gluten Intolerant...
While there are MANY gluten free products out there
My favorite way to be gluten free is to just eat naturally gluten free foods
see...RAW :)

One of the blogs I follow mentioned this AWESOME BLENDER GIVEAWAY
I'm really glad she did because the site ROCKS
Raw blender recipes...even ICE CREAM
Go there
Go now
even if you don't want a blender
you can enter and give it to me if you win
my birthday is coming up soon :)


Jennifer said...

I'm not even ready to go there, but my friend Karissa, also a worship leader, just decided to go raw and has started a new blog to track their journey. I thought you might be interested.

Unknown said...

Thanks for following. And thanks for sending her my way, Jennifer!